Roots to Roads

Come harvest fresh produce on Oct. 9 or Oct. 23 at Heritage Farms on 78th Street. Sign up in the Family-Community Resource Center, located in the Partnership Gallery, prior to the day of your choosing. We will be meeting here at the school at 9:30 a.m. to head out as a group!

Nutrition education class

Do you enjoy cooking with company? Join us for a nutrition education class for Hispanic groups. This class is designed to help families eat better for less and live a healthier life. You’ll learn great tips, yummy recipes and wonderful ways to involve your children in conversations in the kitchen. Come join us starting Wednesday, Sept. 23, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.. Learn, cook, eat and enjoy conversation!

For further information on these food programs, please contact Aiko Chappell, FCRC coordinator, at 360-313-2513 or