Minnehaha parents & families,

Next week – Oct 18, 19, 20 – are Parent Teacher Conferences for all Vancouver School District elementary schools.  Wednesday (Oct 18) is a 2-hr early release – many teachers (but not all) stay late into the evening to allow for conferences at times that are often more ideal for parents.  Both Thursday & Friday (Oct 19 & 20) there is no school, to also allow for conferencing throughout the day.

Hopefully by now, you have already scheduled with your child’s teacher his/her Parent Teacher Conference here at Minnehaha.  If not, please watch for further communication from your child’s teacher OR contact him/her directly by email or by calling the school at 313-2500.

Parent Teacher Conferences are an extremely important part of the school year.  This is an opportunity for you to sit down and hear directly from your child’s teacher about strengths, areas for improvement, strategies that will be implemented (both at home & at school), ways for you to support at home, and social/emotional patterns and behaviors.  Additionally, it is also crucial for you to bring and share any questions, wonderings, and concerns with your child’s teacher, as two-way communication is an essential part of the learning process.  As a parent, you are a huge advocate for your child.  When adults all partner together, students benefit!  In addition to the conversations with your child’s teacher, you will also receive (depending on grade level) important information such as State expected learning standards, iReady Fall assessment information in reading & math, Smarter Balanced Assessment results from last Spring, and Roadmaps for Success plans.

On a side note:  please remember to send your child with appropriate weather gear (coats, boots, gloves, umbrellas, etc) as it is important to remember that in Vancouver, we go outside for recess even when it’s raining!  🙂

Happy October!
