Minnehaha Parents & Families,

Happy Fall!  As I write this, I’m hoping for a great turnout to our Open House/Curriculum Night on Thursday evening.  This year, in an effort to simplify and create meaningful connections in classrooms, we’ve moved away from the model we’ve used in the past, which involved grade level, scheduled presentations.  This year, the evening will be much more free-flowing.  Parents and families will visit classrooms, students can “show off” work samples, show families around the classroom, and parents will have an opportunity to informally connect with classroom teachers.  Students who visit his/her classroom, the library, and swing mom & dad through the Compass area to check out some tables will be entered into a raffle for a Takis, donut, or cupcake party.  Always a good time!

Something else you can do at Open House/Curriculum Night – sign up for parent/teacher conferences.  This year, Fall conferences will be held on Wed, Oct 17 (2-hr early release) and Thursday & Friday, October 18 & 19 (NO SCHOOL).

We are officially 17 school days into the year, or 9.5%.  I hope it has been a wonderful start to a great year of learning and growth for you and your family!
