Free after-school dance program

Each session lasts eight weeks, providing each student with eight hours of extracurricular dance education.

During the program, students hone their technical and creative skills as dancers. Students in the program are able to learn specific styles of dance such as modern, jazz, ballet and hip-hop. Not only do students get to explore the technique of dance, but they also have the opportunity to create dances with other students. Students are encouraged to collaborate while exploring and choreographing based on various stimuli. It is an amazing experience for students to work with students from other schools who share their love for dance.

At the end of the sessions, the students have a chance to show their families what they learned and perform to a real audience.

The program is open to currently enrolled Vancouver Public Schools students in grades 3-8. Classes are one hour once per week. Students should wear comfortable clothing that allows them to move freely. Special dance shoes are not necessary, but students may wear them if they wish.

Fall session dates

Monday, September 19, 2022 – November 7, 2022
5-6 p.m.
Vancouver School of Arts and Academics

Winter session dates

Monday, January 23, 2023 – March 20, 2023
5-6 p.m.
Vancouver School of Arts and Academics

Register online today and download the medical release and consent form. Return the completed forms by September 9, 2022, to the school office or mail it to Libby Odren, Visual and Performing Arts at JPC, 2901 Falk Rd., Vancouver, WA 98661.


Download the registration and medical release and consent forms. Return the completed forms by September 9, 2022, to the school office or mail it to Libby Odren, Visual and Performing Arts at JPC, 2901 Falk Rd., Vancouver, WA 98661.

Questions? Please email Traci Young.

Apply by Friday, Sept. 9, to participate.

Osukun ren pekin pwérúk epwe fiis mwúrin sukkun ese kamé me epwe fiis seni Septempér ngeni Tiisampér
(Fall and Winter)

Nakataman fansoun ew me ew ekkei osukun ren pekin pwérúk epwe úkkúkkún wanú wiik, chóón sukkun repwe angei wanú awa seni ei osukun ren pekin pwérúk.

Nón ei prokrám chóón sukkun repwe káeó ar repwe sine napanapan pwérúk me aia ar kewe sinenap nón pekin pwérúk. Nón ei prokram chóón sukkun repwe káeó fitu sókkun pwérúk.

Chóón sukkun resapw chék káeó napanapen ekkei pwérúk, nge ir mei pwan tongeni aia ei fansoun ar repwe fér ar pwéruk fengen me chiechier chóón sukkun. Kich mei pesei an chóón sukkun repwe angang fengen me férútá ar pwérúk epwe anóngónóng wón sakopaten mettócch epwe ánisir ar repwe káeó me sinei. Amen amwarar an chóón sukkun repwe angang ngeni pwan ekkewe chóón sukkun seni ekkewe ekkóch sukkun ekkewe ir mei pwan ennetin pwapwaiti me sani ar repwe pwérúk.

Nesópwonón ekkei fansoun pwérúk chóón sukkun ra tongeni pwár ngeni ar kewe famini met re káeó me pwérúk ngeni aramas.

Ei prokrám mei suuk ngeni chóón sukkun nón mwiichen éúnúngátin ngeni awanúwan. Ekkei class epwe ew fiis nón ew awa fan ew nón ew wiik. Chóón sukkun repwe úfféúff úf ir mei kinamwe nón ar repwe tongeni mwékútúkút fetán me pwérúk nón. Ekkóch sókkun suus ne pwérúk ese pwan namwot ar repwe néúnéú, nge ekkei chóón sukkun ir mei tongeni néúnéú iká pwe re mochen.

Ráánin me kunókún ekkewe class epwe fiis nón Fall.
Sárinfán, Septempér 19, 2022 ngeni Nofampér 7, 2022
Kunók 5 ngeni kunók 6 nekunión
Vancouver School of Arts and Academics

Ráánin me kunókún ekkewe class epwe fiis nón Winter.
Sárinfán, Sanéwéri 23, 2023 ngeni Maas 20, 2023
Kunók 5 nekunión ngeni kunók 6 nekunión
Vancouver School of Arts and Academics

Ren ómw kopwe amasow: meinisin chóón sukkun me saam me in repwe wanong Taropwen rechister, me taropwen mwuumwuutá/me taropwen póróusen an en chóón sukkun semwen me mwen Enimwu, Septempér 9, 2022. Epwe wor esinesin ngeni ekkewe famine nón email ren tichikin póróusan ar repwe fiti, pisekir me pwan ekkóch me núkkún ekkei.

Taropwe epwe titinó nón pwórun posto ngeni:
Libby Odren
JPC – Visual and Performing Arts
2901 Falk Rd, Vancouver, WA 98661

wanong ewe taropwen rechister ren an ewe sukkun offes
Email ngeni: Libby Odren –